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Tips for New Start-ups

There aren’t many of us born entrepreneurs, not by nature at least. It takes a good deal of practice and could involve doing things that don’t come naturally to you. 75% of start-ups fail within a year, so it’s important to learn the traits required if you don’t want to be part of that statistic.

  1. Take risks
    Successful people take risks and learn from failure. The best entrepreneurs don’t let the fear of failure prevent them from taking risks for an idea they believe in. Not all risks will work out well, but those that do will be the ones you’re remembered for. Don’t take risks with your accounting practices though and outsource these tasks to professionals while you take care of core business. For outsourced accounting services, visit mushroombiz.co.uk/homepage/services/accounting/
  2. Networking is everything
    The start of your business is a crucial time and networking is essential to make the connections that could help keep your business afloat. You never know when you might meet a powerful ally and invaluable connections. In the future, you can return the favour and help out another young start-up.
  3. Have a niche
    Those start-ups that have identified a niche will often fare better than those who don’t. A product, service or business feature that’s unique will you’re your business a better chance of survival. The best entrepreneurs become experts in recognising and capitalising on niche markets.
  4. Always learning
    Strive to learn something new every single day and never stop learning. Always be a student, listen to the advice and ideas of others and take note form those who have walked the path before you. This skill will also help you become more effective in problem-solving on the go.
  5. Stay flexible
    So, you’ve identified the ideal niche, but don’t rest on your laurels and assume the market will stay that way forever. Markets are notoriously fickle and it’s crucial to stay alert to changing trends and fashions, so you can stay at the cutting edge when the winds of change blow through town.

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  1. Be kind to yourself
    Your business will never succeed if you wreck yourself in the process of breathing life into your start-up. Your health is the most important thing, don’t forget that. You should never sacrifice that in pursuit of your entrepreneurial desires. Success becomes pointless if you’re not well enough to enjoy it. Staying up all night, getting stressed out and eating poorly will never end well and can even shorten your life expectancy. Tend to your health first and your business goals will follow.


Roger Walker

Roger is a writer, online marketer and part-time graphics designer with a background in Finance. His real passion, however, lies in helping his clients.

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