You notice it, right? Summer is here! And, by the way, have you already started saving money for summer vacations? Because surely one of these days, while you were in the park, you have already begun to imagine your ideal vacation.
Shot on a beach, the sun’s heat on your face and the white sand between your toes. Or driving through the tropical zones, taking pictures of a herd of elephants in the distance and seeing how 5-meter tall giraffes enjoy their breakfast of leaves. Or, perhaps feeling the beat of the city that never sleeps, admiring the architecture of the Empire State and opening its eyes well to the neon Times Square.
Whatever your dream of the vacation, we suggest 5 tips for you to save more for your summer vacation…
1. Set a goal to save
If you know that the summer holidays will cost $1000, for example, calculate how much money you need to save every week or month to achieve that goal. If, in this case, you manage to save $250 in a couple of months, you will only be halfway there.
2. Make part of your salary go to your savings
As soon as you receive your payroll, make a transfer of 5% or 10% of your salary to your savings account. Maybe you can even talk to the Human Resources or Finance department to get that part separately.
3. Check your monthly expenses
Identify your essential expenses, such as rent, purchase, and bills. And do not forget about other direct debits such as insurance, mobile phone, etc. Once you have located them, enter your bank account at the end of each week to see what other sites your money goes to. At the end of the month, you will have an approximate idea about expenses that you can cut or, directly, which you can do without.
4. Establish a budget
Compare the figures for your entertainment expenses with the essential expenses of the previous section and establish a weekly budget. How much do you need for leisure each week? Do you really need that TV subscription in addition to Netflix? This will help you control your spending. Moreover, if you want to bet few bucks on your favorite team, you should check BettingTop 10 to find the best deals online. Who knows maybe your luck gives you more than your expectations!
5. Start saving right now
The good thing about looking at the small details is that you can start doing something about it immediately. As they are small, they do not cost as much as the big plans. For example, start eating supper instead of buying something outside, walk or use the bike instead of the car or earn extra money selling what you do not need.
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