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The five healthiest foods in the world

The five healthiest foods in the world, that you can find everywhere.

Healthy foods get and maintain a healthier state in your body. Healthy foods have a higher amount of vitamins and minerals. These do not contain high levels of fat or calories. Synthetic and treated foods are not part of this list. Most people can consume the five healthiest foods in the world. Your body can better digest these healthy foods. They help the heart stay healthy, as well as the kidneys and the digestive system. The most important advantage of these highly healthy foods is that they can prolong your life.


The five healthiest foods in the world
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The avocado allows you to keep your heart healthy. The ingredient called oleic acid helps the body to lower levels of harmful cholesterol, which in turn decreases the chances of fat accumulation in the arteries and blood vessels. Avocado contains healthy levels of potassium and does not contain much sodium, which makes it the perfect food to lower blood pressure and promote circulatory health. Make a traditional salad by adding avocado, as it will help you absorb many vitamins and minerals more completely. The California Avocado Commission states that avocado also helps in the prevention of oral cancer. It contains high levels of folate; vitamins K, C and B 6; and copper ore.


The five healthiest foods in the world
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The apple is the main food for diabetes. It can be consumed for the stabilization and control of your blood sugar due to its capacity for a pancreatic stimulant. The apple helps your pancreas secrete insulin, which helps to use sugars ingested and stored more efficiently. The apple contains an ingredient called phytonutrient that helps regulate blood sugar. You will find that the enzymes in apples also inhibit bad enzymes from converting complex carbohydrates into simple sugars. Your body is protected against the accumulation of glucose. Polyphenols, which are other ingredients in the apple, help stimulate the beta cells in the pancreas to secrete insulin. Tastier than a medicine, this fruit has many therapeutic properties.


The five healthiest foods in the world
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Almond helps reduce low-density lipoprotein or bad cholesterol in the blood. You will benefit from monounsaturated fats, such as vitamin E found in almonds. By consuming almonds with your meals you can reduce the chance of having heart disease by 30 percent or more. The magnesium found in the almond provides natural blockers to the heart with loads of calcium. Blockers of calcium loads help reduce blood pressure and also allow your heart to beat effectively. Another benefit of almond is the decrease in free radicals in the blood, which causes an increase in blood sugar and fat in the arteries.

Integral rice

The five healthiest foods in the world
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The difference between brown rice and white rice is the amount of vitamin B complex. If you eat brown rice, you will achieve healthier states in the decrease of free radicals in the blood, as well as the benefit of manganese, which helps in the production of fatty acids. These fatty acids help stabilize your nervous system. Your immune system will benefit from the selenium found in brown rice. Selenium protects you against diseases and viruses due to its antioxidant effects. In a study conducted by the American Heart Journal, brown rice proved to be essential in postponing the effect of fat accumulation and harmful cholesterol in the blood.


The five healthiest foods in the world
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Salmon contains large amounts of ethyl esters of omega 3 acids that are essential for the health of your heart. By eating salmon twice a week, triglyceride levels will decrease drastically. Triglycerides are part of the cholesterol in your body. You can experience other benefits of this omega 3-rich fish. Salmon helps establish better heart rhythms, lowers blood pressure and decreases the likelihood of blood clots forming in the arteries. The efficiency of the heart will improve once you start eating salmon twice a week.

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