Red gel nails are the choice of many women. I have always been able to communicate elegance, beauty, sensuality. Here’s how to do them and some tips to not go unnoticed and to choose them based on the occasion.

Every woman knows how important it can be to always have neat and well-groomed nails. It doesn’t matter whether it’s in the daily routine or for a special occasion. As well as for hairstyles and out-fit, thanks to manicure and nail art our nails can change their appearance. When it comes to red gel nails, it is impossible not to associate this color with a passionate, seductive, self-confident woman. In the classicism of color, in fact, aspects of the woman’s personality can be found and recognized.

Always glamorous and elegant, red nails look good on all women; essential, however, is that the nails and hands are perfectly cared for. Once defined with the desired shape, these can be customized and embellished with special nail art. Fantasy and creativity become allies of the beauty of our hands and allow us to show off themed nails.


The red gel nails are like; however, one must know how to do them. For a perfect and flawless result, it is important to know the basics of manicure and nail art.

It is essential to clean the nail well and shape it. For this reason, it is important to have the tools of the trade. Not to be missing files, cuticle pushers, and nail clippers, but also buffer, brush, and cuticle oil. It is also good to have cotton, disinfectant, and nail polish remover on hand.

For nail art, however, inevitable are brushes, primers, tips, glue, nail cutter, nail cleaner, and UV lamp. Fundamental is the nail art gels: builder gel, color gel, and sealing gel. Also useful will be adhesive tape, bezels, sponges according to the effect and the chosen motif.


After you have done your manicure, cuticles, and cuticles removed, you can rebuild your gel nails if necessary. At this point, you will need to opacify the nail using the buffer.

Apply a layer of clear base gel and leave to dry for 10-15 seconds under the UV lamp.

Apply the red nail polish and let it dry under the rays of the UV lamp. Repeat the operation, applying a new layer of red nail polish. Let it dry as described above.

It’s time to apply the topcoat, or clear polish, to set the color well. Also for this step, let the nails dry under the UV lamp.

The last step, necessary to have a good base on which to make the nail art is to degrease the nail. To do this, use a cleaner or cuticle oil.


The ideas for creating special nail art using the various shades of red are many. It is a color that, in its various shades, lends itself to any shape: square, round, oval, tapered, or ballerina. With red nail polish, you can also make shades that do not go unnoticed.

The red gel nails, for example, can do during some special occasions. Let’s think, for example, of Christmas. Red nails can be the perfect base for creating Christmas-themed nail decorations.

If you love polka dots, on the basis of your red gel nails you can create polka dots or geometric shapes. You can indulge yourself by creating plays of color that adapt to the red of the background. Red is a color that goes especially well with black, white, silver, and gold.

The color is also suitable for creating an original French manicure that does not go unnoticed.

Another idea is to make on the red base of the floral motifs. You can use nail stamping, 3D decorations, glitter, crystals, glitter.

USEFUL TIPSRed gel nails

Imagination and creativity have no limits except those of decency and good taste. The ideas to combine with red gel nails can be so many. It’s easy to get carried away by the euphoria of the moment, the occasion, or your emotions.

Generally, choose the pattern to match the red color of your nails according to the occasion. In the most formal and elegant occasions, a sober, simple, classic style is required; if, on the other hand, the period allows it, give vent to your imagination and artistic ability.

It is also important not to forget to combine the red of your nail polish with your make-up and outfit. For clothing, avoid tone-on-tone; in this way, you can create color contrasts. If, on the other hand, your goal is to highlight the rouge nuance, focus on makeup, accessories, clothing in the same shade as your nails.

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